Welcome to All Things Annabelle & Pipsqueak

Annabelle Frances Olsen

Born September 30, 2009 at 1:01 pm

She weighed 6lbs 8oz

She measured 20.5" long

Piper James Olsen

Born September 15, 2014

She weighed somewhere in the 6's

She measured just right..... second babies...oops!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Fantastic Gymnastics!

Thursday was Annabelle's first Gymnastics Class!  And....SHE LOVED IT!  
She told Adam she "was really good at it and she could do it all day!"

Here's a look at the little Monkey:

Taking it all in!

Wall Climb

Trampoline-  She was REALLY good at this one!

Bear Crawl

Arabesque on the beam

Side to side on the beam

She is signed up through summer-  should be a fun one!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

An Epic Week!

To much of Adam's delight, Annabelle's new favorite restaurant is Epic Pizza!  And, after much taste-testing this week it is in fact quite epic!  We took a walk through the hood on mother's day and she DEMANDED pizza for lunch....well...if you insist!!

3 going on 30!
These little ladybugs made a quick change from sprinkler and pool clothes to their ball gowns.  
How they go from day to night with such ease is truly enviable!

Oh how our garden grows.....

Well...the broccoli we messed up and will need to replant.  It's already flowering, which, according to google is NOT a good thing.  Also, brussel sprouts don't like heat.  Hopefully these guys will be an exception to the rule...STL in the summer averages about 140 degrees!

"Smile" for your grandparents.
This is what I get:

Post-run Snapple stop.
A night-game morning tradition!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

This Little Light of Mine...it sure does shine!

Wow, our little girl sure is growing up!  From 4-year-old birthday parties, to her Festival of Lights, even a little baby-sitter manipulation in-between, Annabelle is becoming such a kind, creative and independent young lady!

We had some beautiful weather earlier in the week where her and I enjoyed dinner al fresco while Adam watched some baseball!  

Today Annabelle had her Festival of Lights with her "Catechist of the Good Shepard" program.  She walked down the aisle proudly holding her lit candle with all of the other children, loudly sang "This Little Light of Mine" and enjoyed a small reception in the church basement after.  We are SO proud of her and all of the spiritual growth she's made this year!  
She now understands just what that light in her heart is!

After the ceremony we went out to lunch, then came home and watched Bailey stalk a bunny out the front door!!

A little Zoo fun earlier this week.  Annabelle make silly faces!

Hippo Kisses!

Yesterday (Saturday) may have been one of the best, fun, and wonderful days ever!  It started with a surprise mother's day celebration!  Complete with lunch at the Ritz, a beautiful Lladro (which I cried and cried and cried over), followed by a b-day party (dress-up!) then a Derby Party to end the night!  Wowza's was it a fun day!!  

I think the funniest part of all was coming home to hear Bergen (Devlin's little sister) describe Annabelle's bedtime.  Our little lady took COMPLETE advantage of a newbie babysitter.  She stalled for 1.5 hours "organizing" toys, searching for something "fuzzy", needing a drink of milk, drink of water, another song, to use the potty 345 times, then to top it off, had poor Bergen searching the house for her mittens!  Oh dear....  Here are some pics from that awesome day!

Superman!  (A dream come true for Adam)
Ready to party for Blaise's 4th Bday!

The Super Olsens!

And....Annabelle, asleep in her mittens!

Life sure is good!