Welcome to All Things Annabelle & Pipsqueak

Annabelle Frances Olsen

Born September 30, 2009 at 1:01 pm

She weighed 6lbs 8oz

She measured 20.5" long

Piper James Olsen

Born September 15, 2014

She weighed somewhere in the 6's

She measured just right..... second babies...oops!

Friday, July 30, 2010

New Friends-- the stuffed kind

Finally... a picture of a tooth... too bad there's already another new one since this was taken!

Last week Adam, Annabelle and I took a walk through Lafayette Square, a neighborhood nearby. Their park is beautiful, but we both noticed that people there weren't nearly as nice as Soulard... so once again we confirmed that our 2-week-house buying adventure turned out for the best!

Play Time x 10000

It's been SO hot here that we can't really venture outside, so we've spent a lot, I mean, a lot of time indoors. We've had lots of friends over...but always forget to take pictures. Here's a look at Annabelle playing!

Loves books. Not reading them, just smooshing them on her face.

Annabelle and Elmo, her BFF

He bought a ticket on the train to come visit her

She welcomed him with open arms

Cruisin Around

Annabelle's new walker is also a shopping cart.
How apropros

One handed driving.
She learned that from Marley!

We have to hold on, otherwise she'd face-plant

"Hey Dad... I walk, big deal..."

Weekly Chores

I vaccum, she gets tangled in the cords


same routine as always....
Now I just let her play with it till she's lost interest.

We HAD to put an end to it....

Annabelle's obsession with the dog bed continues. She zooms to it and rolls around...

Once she's in there, she's SO proud.

We're not.

Enter: The Critter Chair

Compliments of Pottery Barn Kids.

It's like a dog bed for babies...
So far so good, we'll keep you posted!

Giving him the staredown

Getting to know Chippo, her hippo

Warming up to him


Monday, July 26, 2010

Parties, puppies and more!

Annabelle's first party favor... sunglasses!

Yesterday Annabelle attended her friend Clara's 2nd birthday party. She went in as a baby and left as a posh little lady. These pictures are just too cute... very baby-Jackie O!

Dog or Baby, Who You Got?

Place your bets on a friendly game of tug-of-war.

Bailey and Annabelle are SLOWLY becoming bff's. After the big party yesterday, they started a fun new game. If you could only hear the squeals and belly laughs coming out of her, it would melt your heart. Seriously, SO SO SO cute!

Annabelle started to wonder "Why does Bailey always win?"

So she started to improvise.... "Maybe if I put it in MY mouth...."

hahahaha, too funny

Bailey 1
Annabelle 0

I think we'll start coaching her

Around and Round

Annabelle makes it all the way around her music table now. Since she's such a great little walker, yesterday we got her an actual walker. She zooms through the living room, with some help. Those pictures will be up soon!

Happy Birthday Aunt Tami!

This week we had LOTS of visitors! Aunt Tami, Uncle Chris, Sydney, Kendall, Emmersen, Brian, Jen, & their kids all took a trip to St Louis. We had a blast...went to a game, ate lots of good food, and celebrated Tami's 40th Birthday!! Annabelle had so much fun playing with everyone, each night she was pooped by bedtime. Hope to see everyone and the new littlest Olsen very soon!

Olsen-Olsen-van Rens 1st Annual Summer get-together!

Emmers posing!

Feeding Time

Another life lesson from the dogs...

Watch Bailey Eat

Clap for Bailey eating

Story Time

Pop-up book time, Annabelle's favorite.

So sad though, there are very few snowmen left in the book...!

New invention idea - non-tearable pop-up books.



Sunday, July 18, 2010

And...we're back!

We're back with pictures! The computer had a virus and was getting fixed... sorry for the delay!
Annabelle keeps getting longer..but not heavier!! She's officially 9.5 months old and a solid 16lbs. My mom said at 1 year I didn't break 20lbs, so I'm not worried about our light-footed lady just yet. We've been spending lots of time with friends this summer- the afternoon playdates are great! Tami, Chris the girls and their friends will be here Wednesday, so we're REALLY looking forward to that visit! Here's a look at the last two weeks:

I get such a kick of that tiny little body standing up!!

SO Happy!

Everyone trying to escape while I do chores...

The dogs made it and left Annabelle behind... jk

I love that little face. She's such a tiny little lady!

Super-excited to help me with laundry.
This reminds me of a face Marley would make while saying something super-sarcastic!

I fold, she unfolds, then eats.

On the 9th we had a ton of our neighbors and friends over for the "Summer in Soulard" party. It was a great night, and I was SO excited to FINALLY use those white lanterns that I've had for years!


Annabelle and Jet share their puffs.

Jet, Annabelle & Liam


So, earlier this week I went for a jog. While jogging I ran into the Bastille Day Parade...so random, yet so fun. Reason #315 why I love living in Soulard. So we're jogging along, minding our own business and see a horse drawn carriage carrying Marie-Antoinette & King Louis. A bunch of people are following behind carrying signs, chanting and cheering for the annual beheading at the Market Square. We ran into a bunch of neighbors who made me trade my water for a beer... OK...twist my arm! Haha...here are some photos... Vive la France!!
Annabelle & her French flag!

Looking around wondering what's going on!

You can kind of make out the guillotine in the background.

Direct quote from Mark:
"When the Queen dies, I become Queen".

sigh...I love Soulard